Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fun Facts

* D.C. as a city, is electrically charged. As in, you shock your friends on an hourly basis, your hair sticks to your face (really cute, you can imagine), and you don't know whether you're going to get inside or electrocute yourself when you put the key in your front door.
* I live in an apartment in NW Washington D.C., with 3 other
Cal students. Pretty amazing.
* Red Line Metro > BART
* I work full-time in the U.S. Senate, but have lots of confidentiality rules strapped to my job so I can't actually refer to my boss by name on here. But I am more than happy to discuss via phone or skype!
* I'm the only press intern in my office.
* I have accidently ended up in both Virginia and Maryland. It's basically the same distance as it was for me to get the high school every morning.
* I'm taking 13.5 units (Politics of Theater and a Research Seminar), on Thursday nights and Friday mornings.
* Most of my life revolves around the inhabitants of 3 apartments in my building.
* I'm 10 weeks and 6 days from my 21st birthday. But who's counting.
* I got in the middle of an ongoing criminal investigation m
y first day of work on The Hill. True story.
* Grocery shopping without a car in the cold is more challenging than it sounds.
* Turns out Michigan is colder than D.C. Who knew?
* Watching people cut across from the Senate to Union Station is a lot like watching a pre-teen play Frogger. You can imagine.
* There are almost more sirens out of my window here than outside my house in Berkeley
. Only instead because of assault, the ones here are for motorcades, etc.
* I was told that I lived in the Dead Zone during the Inauguration. Sweet.
* Snow sticks in your eyelashes. Which is cute until you really can't see a thing.
* I realize in 20 years I'm going to really appreciate being at Obama's Inauguration, but at the time I really thought I was going to die of hypothermia. 5 am-1 pm in freezing weather and 40 minutes of sleep. No bueno.
* I became deathly ill following the Inauguration and was basically the luckiest person in the world to have my family in town to take care of me.
* I am now fluent in the Bro Code, and was upgraded to "Bro" from "Brah" by our Michigan friends.
* Hill Humor basically makes my life. It's like living The West Wing, only slightly less classy and with a lot of young men who think they are significantly more witty than they are. Nonetheless, hysterical.
* Something I helped write is now in the Library of Congress.
* I have been so lucky with the people I've met here. Both in my building and at work.
* I work basically down the hall from where CNN films.
Dana Bash and I are besties. That's a lie.
* I accidentally ice skated to work one day. That was cute.
* I've been on both CNN and CSPAN in the past 2 weeks. CNN was behind Kanye West though, and entirely unrelated to my doing anything important.
* Everything is free in D.C. That's exaggerating a little, but I mean nearly. Between public school and the Smithsonians, I'm set for life. If I could only stop spending money on food.
*My dad met Anderson Cooper during Inauguration weekend. Which is almost like me meeting him. Right?
* I broke my sunglasses weeks ago, which is fine because I've had zero need for them.
* Wearing pumps/speed walking in them all day hurts your front thighs.
* The Capitol Policemen are really nice. Women, notso much. Go figure.
* I need new nylons. In fact, I might invest in Hue.
* I'm having the time of my life, but I do miss my fam
ily and best friends back home. I'm thinking of you.
* At least 30 people a week want to tell you what a great time it is to be in D.C. And you just smile and nod, because it is so true and there is no denying it.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you had one too!! What the heck!

    Yes!! Now I can stalk every single one of you.
